The rope also represents collaboration and working together with trust. Looking after each other and sometimes giving your mate some slack while still being there to catch him if he falls.
I needed to get a new material for my next project so I rang up my pal to scavenge something extra special! Scavenger has the wow factor. The colours look fantastic and it is all made ethically from retired climbing rope that would have otherwise been wasted. A simple idea, executed with skill, I was very excited about this project. Here is Scavenger, AKA Tashe. Sheffield is still world famous for knife making, but there are few knifemakers left. Sheffield is next to a stretch of Millstone Grit which made the best knife grindstones. Great stretches of cliffs opened up as the giant stones were quarried out. You might expect nature to have re-colonised these cliffs over the last 50 years, but every crack, crevice and nook is stripped clean every day by a committed task force of climbers! Climbing rope symbolises the reasons I love Sheffield. I have always been into climbing and love the focus brought on through nearly coming a cropper followed by the high of topping out. The rope also represents collaboration and working together with trust. Looking after each other and sometimes giving your mate some slack while still being there to catch him if he falls. making of...
Liz Stein
7/8/2016 09:03:16 pm
This is an awesome website. I have sent a link to my son who is both a lifelong knife lover and also a passionate climber. He will love it. I heard about your website from your mum(who I met up with again yesterday) so I thought I'd check it out. Laurie(my son) is currently working in Canada but I'm sure he'd love to see your work when he comes home (not for two years unfortunately!) Your work is as beautiful and carefully fashioned as your mums art work. Exquisite pieces all.
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